Eagle Grange #1
Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eagle-Grange-1-280211017218/
Connect on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Eagle-Grange-1-280211017218/
The Grange spark came to Pennsylvania sometime in 1870 when Luke Eger, a farmer near Williamsport in Lycoming County, read about the fledgling organization and its rapid growth in some parts of the country. Within a year, Eger generated enough interest among his neighbors in Montgomery and Elimsport to form the first local Grange in the state. Eagle Grange #1, so named because of its location at the foot of Bald Eagle Mountain, was officially founded March 4, 1871. The Grange met in members' home and the Pine Street School until a quarter acre of land was purchased from Luke Eger in 1887 to build a two-story hall (shown at right). The location was beside the Pine Street School at what is now the intersection of Blind Road and the western side of Route 15. The building remained there until the summer of 1940 when construction of the newly expanded highway required Eagle Grange to move the building directly across the road to its current location on the eastern side of Route 15. A kitchen and restroom addition was made in 1968
Click here for the Eagle Grange informational brochure and membership application.
Eagle Named a Distinguished Grange
Two of our officers were at the National Grange convention in Niagara Falls, NY in mid-November to receive the Distinguished Grange award. This recognition for outstanding work was received for the third consecutive year.
Click here for the Eagle Grange informational brochure and membership application.
Eagle Named a Distinguished Grange
Two of our officers were at the National Grange convention in Niagara Falls, NY in mid-November to receive the Distinguished Grange award. This recognition for outstanding work was received for the third consecutive year.
Townships Give Grange $11,000
Eagle Grange President, Phil Vonada (left), receives a $1,000 donation toward the insulation and siding project from Brady Township Supervisor John Sear (second from left) and a $10,000 donation from Clinton Township Supervisors Lanny Wertz and Donald Wagner (right). Thank you to both townships!
Coming up August 6th at 6:30 p.m. - Honey of a Program
Lewisburg commercial beekeeper David Hackenberg will discuss “Bees, Pollination & Honey Production” at our next Grange meeting. The program will include an educational audiovisual presentation, a glass-encased live beehive and a display of honey related products. Hackenberg Apiaries specializes in bee pollination, trucking, honey production and education in the beekeeping industry. Dave’s life’s work has grown to run beehives in in six states - Florida, California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maine and New York – pollinating crops worth millions of dollars. Mr. Hackenberg witnessed the first case of what was would eventually become known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in November 2006 and reported it publicly in February 2007. Since then, he has been featured in two documentaries about CCD and has represented the beekeeping industry in front of Congress on issues concerning pesticides. He received the American Beekeeping Federation President’s Award in 2008 for bringing the plight of the honeybee to light.
Eagle Grange President, Phil Vonada (left), receives a $1,000 donation toward the insulation and siding project from Brady Township Supervisor John Sear (second from left) and a $10,000 donation from Clinton Township Supervisors Lanny Wertz and Donald Wagner (right). Thank you to both townships!
Coming up August 6th at 6:30 p.m. - Honey of a Program
Lewisburg commercial beekeeper David Hackenberg will discuss “Bees, Pollination & Honey Production” at our next Grange meeting. The program will include an educational audiovisual presentation, a glass-encased live beehive and a display of honey related products. Hackenberg Apiaries specializes in bee pollination, trucking, honey production and education in the beekeeping industry. Dave’s life’s work has grown to run beehives in in six states - Florida, California, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Maine and New York – pollinating crops worth millions of dollars. Mr. Hackenberg witnessed the first case of what was would eventually become known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) in November 2006 and reported it publicly in February 2007. Since then, he has been featured in two documentaries about CCD and has represented the beekeeping industry in front of Congress on issues concerning pesticides. He received the American Beekeeping Federation President’s Award in 2008 for bringing the plight of the honeybee to light.
Phil Vonada, Jenn Nauss and Doug Bonsall with Eagle’s “Best of Show” Tabletop Display at the 150th Anniversary Celebration of the PA State Grange. Fifty years ago at the 100th anniversary of the State Grange, Eagle Grange won best of show for its entry in the antique display.
(Left) Joann Murray was one of 10 persons recently honored for being a a State Grange member for 70 or more years.
(Top right) Eagle members participated in Montgomery's "Trunk or Treat" dressed in a Wizard of Oz theme.
(Bottom right) Local residents listen to Lycoming County Commissioner Candidates at a recent forum sponsored by Eagle Grange.
Recent Programs
Faiths of Abraham Program
At Eagle Grange's regular meeting on April 5, 2022, a program was held - "The Faiths of Abraham". This panel discussion featured local speakers representing the faiths of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The program was very informative and highlighted the many similarities between and unique characteristics of the three faiths.
Thank you to Rev. Gwen Bernstine, retired Executive Director of the United Churches of Lycoming County, for serving as moderator and to the panelists:
· Craig Staller of Dauphin and a former ordained Lutheran pastor – Christianity
· Zokaa Rajjoub of Williamsport – Islam
· Sarah Weiss, also of Williamsport - Judaism
Watch the recorded program below!
At Eagle Grange's regular meeting on April 5, 2022, a program was held - "The Faiths of Abraham". This panel discussion featured local speakers representing the faiths of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The program was very informative and highlighted the many similarities between and unique characteristics of the three faiths.
Thank you to Rev. Gwen Bernstine, retired Executive Director of the United Churches of Lycoming County, for serving as moderator and to the panelists:
· Craig Staller of Dauphin and a former ordained Lutheran pastor – Christianity
· Zokaa Rajjoub of Williamsport – Islam
· Sarah Weiss, also of Williamsport - Judaism
Watch the recorded program below!
Eagle Grange Anniversary Video
Long-time Eagle Grange members, JoAnn and Fred Murray and Karen Williamson, speak about their experiences with and memories of the Grange, as well as their hopes and wishes for the future.
Watch it below.
Long-time Eagle Grange members, JoAnn and Fred Murray and Karen Williamson, speak about their experiences with and memories of the Grange, as well as their hopes and wishes for the future.
Watch it below.
Welcome Inside the Eagle Grange Hall
The first floor dining room (below) has been painted, a new laminate floor installed, lighting upgraded and further enhanced with new tables and curtains. This space is used for meetings and meal functions by the Grange and the community. Adjacent to this two new restrooms, including one fully accessible, have been built. The second floor meeting space is also being renovated, including improvements to its accessibility with the installation of a chairlift.
The panoramic view of the licensed kitchen (below) is now clean, bright, designed for efficiency and well-equipped with new commerica equipment (gas stove, refrigerator, freezer and stainless stell work counters). All the cabinets were painted to create this fresh and welcoming look, new countertops & backsplash installed and the exhaust fan system added. With these improvementes, the kitchen is now being used extensively, including a series of take-out dinners.
Newsletters & Communications
- Sept. 2024 Newsletter - Winery Tour, Birthday Cakes, Fair Exhibits, Fund Raisers, Cemetery Markers
- August 2024 Newsletter - "Bees" Program, Picnics, Fair Exhibits, Property Updates, Chicken Dinner
- July 2024 Newsletter - Townships' Donations, Pictures from Flag Program & Ham Dinner, July Picnic
- June 2024 Newsletter - Flag History Program, Pictures from Roast Beef Dinner, June Ham Dinner
- May 2024 Newsletter - Children's Author to Speak, Presentation to Food Pantries, Roast Beef Dinner
- April 2024 Newsletter - "Soils" Program, Pictures of March Potluck, Baked Potato Benefit, Pork Dinner
- March 2024 Newsletter - March Potluck & Program, Lots of Pictures, Announcements for two dinners
- February 2024 Newsletter - Schedule for 2024, Blanket Making Project, New Member Welcomed
- January 2024 Newsletter - Pictures from Holiday Dinner, Food Drive, Jingle Bell Jam, Planning for 2024
- December 2023 Newsletter - Holiday Dinner, Food Collection, Jingle Bell Jamboree, Lots of Pictures
- November 2023 - Pictures from State Grange & Candidates Forum, Upcoming Dinner & Holiday Projects
- October 2023 - Candidates' Forum Announced, Pictures from Hawaiian luau & chicken breast dinner
- September 2023 - Hawaiian Luau, lots of pictures (pork dinner, picnic, "Edible Insects" program, etc.)
- August 2023 Newsletter - Bugs for a Snack?, Picnics, Big Property Improvements, Pulled Pork Dinner
- July 2023 Newsletter - July 11 Picnic/K9 Demo, Pictures of Ham Dinner, New president/ice president
- June 2023 Newsletter - Mental Health Program, Pictures of Beef Dinner & Science Center Tour
- May 2023 Newsletter - Tour of Earth Science Center, Pomona Legislative Dinner, Take-Out Dinners
- April 2023 Newsletter - Safe Driving Program, Kitchen Improvements, Road Rally
- March 2023 Newsletter - Blankets, Jackets, Books, Past & Upcoming Take-Out Dinners
- February 2023 Newsletter - FFA Blue Jacket Night Announced; Summary of 2023 Planned Events
- January 2023 Newsletter - Lots of pictures from Holiday Dinner, Food Collection, Jamboree Pictures
Become a Friend of Eagle Grange #1
- "Friends of Eagle Grange" form - direct donation to the Grange (non-deductible for tax purposes)
- "Friends of Eagle Grange" form - donation directed through PA State Grange Foundation
(may be deductible for tax purposes)
It’s quite unusual for any organization to exist for 150 years and we are extremely proud to say that the Grange that started it all in Pennsylvania has been active continuously since its founding in 1871. But Eagle Grange with its small active membership struggles to survive and could use a great deal of extra help. Two members of the State Grange History Committee have been working monthly since March 2019 with the members on the “Renew Eagle Grange” program to set goals and make plans for the future. In addition to more activities to serve the area and attract new members, high on the list of priorities is the renovation of the Grange Hall kitchen, restrooms and first floor meeting space to make the hall a more welcoming and modern facility for both Grange and community activities. Its highly visible location along Route 15 makes the Grange Hall a real asset with the potential of once again becoming the hub for activities in this area. The recently announced “Friends of Eagle Grange #1” program will provide some of the funds needed to undertake building improvements. Local businesses, individuals, and other Granges are invited to become a “Friend” with an annual donation of $50. Donations may be made directly to Eagle Grange or through the State Grange Foundation; donations contributed through the Foundation may be deductible for tax purposes.
Check out these links to historical information about Pennsylvania's first Grange:
- 150th Anniverary Historical Booklet (2021) - 48 pages
- Original application dated 2/1871 to form a Grange at Montgomery, PA
- Eagle Grange Information found on Wikopedia
- Photo of Luke Eger, founder & first Master of Eagle Grange #1, and Mrs. Hannah Eger
- Microfilmed records (Manuscript Group-493) preserved at PA State Archives in Harrisburg
Account Book, 1902-1911. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
Attendance Record, 1890-1894. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
Grange Lecturer Program Materials, 1951-1957. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
List of Officers, undated. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
Literary Programs, 1896-1899. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
Minute Books, 1871-1906, 1911-1995. (4 microfilm rolls, #7292-7295)
Roll Book, 1874-1907. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)
Minute Books, 1945-1967. (1 microfilm roll, #7295 partial)